Interview Purpose
To dentify the common pain points that SVA students are facing, while learning and getting inspired from their current behavior. Last bu not least, rethinking if the idea of PLAAAN is a desirable product as a solution.

Current SVA course register system "myServices"
Interview Skeleton

  1. How many years have you been a student in SVA?
  2. Can you tell me about what the planning registration process was like - looking up classes and deciding on which classes to take?
  3. Were there helpful resources? Do you use the myservice system or do you check the registration book?
  4. What were the hardest parts of planning your schedule?
  5. How do you solve this problem?
  6. Do you make plan B C? How and why?
  7. What do you consider the most important when you choose a class? Why?
  8. What do you consider the least important when you choose a class? Why?
  9. On the day registering your class, what was the experience like?

Key Learnings
Users needs—
Efficiency, Clarity, Convenience
Due to the seat limits and the access time difference of register between students, they often need to rearrange their plans multiple times. However, the register system only has one time table to plan the schedule.

“It doesn’t give you the space to plan and think.”
— SVA Senior student in Design

“Seeing the availability going out rapidly in real-time, I knew I need a plan B, C, or even D.”
— SVA Sophomore student in Animation
Users’ current solution—
Note-taking & Elimination Method
Students would handwrite to sketch out mulitple plans or either use tools like excel sheets. They would prioritize their needs to eliminate and filter while planning.

“I use Google Sheets to list out the possibilities.”
— SVA Junior student in Design

“Handwriting is troublesome.”
— SVA Junior student in Film
Product desirability—
Academy Importance
Learning goals might vary from different students, but one thing they all share is the careness on academy. They consider and carefully plan for course registering because this is what they are in school for.

“I’m willing to spend the time since I care about school, but not every single person has the time to do so. It is time-consuming and frustrating.”
— SVA Senior student in Illustration

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